Family Trees at UK Genealogy Archives

Welcome to our family tree database. Here you will find free family trees starting from about 1900 and going back as far as we can trace them. Some of the trees have been taken from authentic records, such as the Visitation of England & Wales, to which we have added extra records which became available after the books were published.

Many of the trees are the results of our own research. Starting with the 1901 census we research the families back through the earlier census records, supplementing what we find with the GRO birth, marriage, and death indices, and then back into the huge set of parish registers and other parish records we have in our collection.

The aim of this database is to hopefully give the novice family historian a helping hand in getting their research underway.

You may like to start by looking at a list of the Surnames in our database, or alternatively just enter an ancestors name into the search box below. We wish you the best of luck with your research.